The Art Of The Deal

I am always amazed at how algorithms work. I am more than amazed at how my stats have grown on social media sites while I have been on a hiatus. I purposely have taken steps back to just take some time off. I have found the nitty-gritty of dirty politics more interesting and have taken more of an interest on dishing the dirt and doing some detective work in social behaviors of my local corrupt county executive. As I watch more and more cares act money being laundered thru slush funds, I have to ask why? If the money is there to "help" why is it not going to where it is needed? Or better yet, why doesn't someone just call out this COVID BS, call it a great big hoax and a lie to extort federal funds, open all business' and let's get back to creating incomes on our own...where no handouts are needed! Americans Work and Politicians lie (for their own pockets and personal agendas)

 I listened a little to well to Mr Slay Sr. while I acceptingly worked as his office manager and event coordinator...Politics and name that tune had a price, even in the event coordinating industry. You want it... you are gonna have to pay for it... or play for it! Corporate has never been my style. Finance has never been my strong suit other than personal finances and the juggle struggle to make ends meet. Live within your own means and make it s-t-r-e-t-c-h! It has been my motto since starting to work at the age of 16. "If you can't afford it...well you just don't need it!" Why create an environment that you can not afford or you have to kill yourself working just to have something better than someone else? All for the show or the comforts of what hard-earned money can buy you! Materialistic things do not bring long term joy...just the burdens of if you want to keep it then you'll have to keep paying for it! The better choice, "Work smarter and not harder... Make do with what you can and save what is needed."

 Although by the rhetoric of today's Democrat Party, they want you to be a slave to working so large taxes can be taken from your check to afford their luxury lifestyle... 43 years in politics playing, abusing, stealing and demanding you take their filthy crumbs to eat! While a two-income family barely making 50,000 year has put out more than they take in or people like myself that work 2 and often 3 jobs living on cash on hand with a small paycheck to make the difference! I pay taxes and my fair share of them. As a single entrepreneur, I pay what is needed according to the law and those extra $$$ stashed, the dollar bills I hide here and there is my cookie jar, just in case. The sad part of that those dollar bills never get past the 120.00 mark because too often it is needed! But that is the struggle of an entrepreneur. The freedom of enterprise and knowing it may never be enough... so you go without and you make due with what you have! The struggle is real but somehow in the end very rewarding!

 The art of the deal. Isn't that something we all learn while crafting what we do best? The art of talking so you make the best impression or talk a good game convincing someone they need what you have? The carnival barker, type A personality that bull shits their persuading tone so you can be coerced into purchasing a novelty "thing" because he has made you believe...the greatest and the best? Any contractor selling his service will dazzle you with some word of the trade so you think, " OMG he really knows his stuff!" or the girl that talks you into that one more drink... because one is never enough! The art of the deal...

 Even an artist will persuade you into some bangle because she/he has poured their heart and soul into the piece and they have convinced you "having this item will make your life better for it" (LOL) Enriching your life because you have 1. supported the artist and 2. It is handcrafted to be cherished for a lifetime... until your kids get ahold of it after you die and then trash it! {Junk} because we have a generation of children where nothing has meaning!

 What if though, all of us entrepreneurs and crafters and artist who have turned our hobbies into long-lasting fulfilling ambitions, while listening to all of this shutdown madness has created a mind funk... a depression, a distortion of mental clarity because all of our lives we have set out to do something on our own and now are forced to do nothing and sit and wait for the apocalyptic crazy to stop so we can get back to doing what we do best! Create! The art of the deal... living our best lives making money the way we know how! Free Enterprise!

 I spent way too many years having to depend on the gov out of a desperate need after the 2008 economy crash and when I was able to get back on my feet and afford life on my own... it was a struggle to be let out of the system! The gov loves when they have state-dependent people. Your state depends on those federal funds to keep it afloat and to keep tabs on you and what you're you do not make money or go over what is needed to be on that abusing system! It is absolutely disgusting how it works! I have taken so much pride in finding my voice where this issue is concerned... and the pride of creating a small but money-making entity after having gone through this BS already has left me completely bitter and tactless in tone when listening to some politician tell me I can't work! I can't have my business! I can't teach... I can't be in the public without a mask! Stifling my voice and my creative endeavors and destroying my personal identity! A mask is not for your health! It is to rob you of your you have to blend in where you are no different than anyone else... There is great importance in dealing in person with the public.

Humans are social beings that need that interaction whether it be personal or interdependent where business is concerned... not everything can be done online and it is harmfully shameful that some ass wipe wants to cry wolf spreading doom and gloom so he can extort funds keeping you and me from earning a living the way we know how!

 Social media has had its crux of possibilities and although you need a "tribe" to follow you, I have found it more meaningful to make all status' public and use the Fk! out of hashtags! The importance of calling out what I have seen so wrong and the usefulness of having a voice and being an advocate for other small business owners. Repeatedly over the last months, I have been told, "We never knew you to be this smart. You are one of the smartest people I know. Please speak for me, I don't know how to put my words together. You are saying exactly what I was thinking" and those are the good comments... of course I have gotten the bad ones...which I ignore, delete and block! and yes bamblasted for living in my own bubble...

Last I checked, I don't see those critics signing my paychecks or paying my bills or trying to figure out with a responsible resolve how I'm to earn a living! Because socialism is not for me! So as I close out this rant, below I will post pictures of what it looks like for a viewer to understand what it is like to be an artist, teacher, speaker, photographer and entrepreneur.

Becoming a life and business coach has been the perk in it all! After years and years of being told, "you just want someone to take care of you!" Ive still come out on top...fighting for what is right, the dream and the American way! Truth and Justice for all creative-minded business owners!

 Meet Me In St. Louis

Kitryn Marie
Let me see the algorithms and the stats soar now!

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