Leaps and Bounds...

Leap year the opportunity to go beyond and forge, breaking through all barriers known to self...gaining that one extra day, that oddity in itself proving... What? I went live yesterday on one of my social media pages for the first time since being back from North Carolina in Nov. I have been on shut down mode working only where necessary. My emotional and mental clarity said, "You are done for a while. We are gonna shut you down physically so you have to take a rest!" And it did exactly as it set out to do! I have left my house only to do what needs to be done and then I am back in my spot on the love seat doing nothing but resting with all the animals in tow! It has been a peaceful existence of nothing! I am though working my way back bits at a time... I may be quiet but not gone! I want to say something about North Carolina's trip first before I go into my message for today. The presence I felt with me during that trip had nothing to do with the person I was with. I...