Some Only See For How They Wish It To Be

There are people in love that are not together. There are people not in love that are together and then there are those that are going through the motions hoping somewhere along the line it is going to work out. That one-sided relationship where someone sees things for how they hope it's going to turn out to be. They do not see the situation for how it is because they refuse to see it... for how it really is. False hope is a dangerous creature. Unrequited love is full of just that. **We have also a "group" of people who are together for convenience. Money is the factor, someone is providing a roof and there is some forcible action that is constantly held over their counterparts head. "But I did this for you." If it wasn't for me you wouldn't have" "Because of me, your life is better... that's only if you go along with my PLAN and PLAY by my rules" "You can't leave. You have nowhere to go" "You can't afford a l...