A Christmas Prayer

As I sit here this morning on this chilly Saturday Nov 24th, I prepare for the days ahead and for the new months that will follow. It is that season of expectations and hype. A season for love and joy; tinsle and sparkle. It is the time for magic and a time for miracles. It is also a time of year where so many people become depressed and a deep seated grief steps in. It is that time of year a person feels so alone and a heart breaks for what once was or worse what one has always wished for. Personally I wish they would stop with the Christmas car commercials! I don't know about you but most the people I know live paycheck to paycheck and car purchases are most likely not in the equation for the holiday. The families I know still are struggling with making ends meet and the emotional stress they put themselves through trying to buy the latest and greatest for their kids. I don't know a soul who gets matching vehicles on Christmas morning! Shame on the car industry for such a f...