If you can not be happy with yourself...

 I teeter in the art of staying busy... You know that place of working so you physically go through the motions living on auto pilot so you just don't have to think... or feel anything at all. I look around and I see every individual with baggage... crap, stuff that they are dealing with but stuffing away so many denials self-medicating them self with whatever their vice of choice is.

Instead of coming full terms with what they are dealing with... people are stuffing things into their mind, mouth, and body just so they don't have to acknowledge pain? What is it? Is everyone that f..ked up they have to medicate them self?

Me, I am just trying to create a life for what I have always known to be true...  I can not deal with one more lie or a person who cheats and can not be happy in general causing so much misery to anyone they come in contact with. WTF is wrong with people...

If you can not be happy with yourself... YOU DO NOT DESERVE TO BE WITH ANYONE! PERIOD!!!!!

Learn to be alone and like yourself! Look in the mirror and find yourself... look deep in your eyes and ask yourself...WHAT THE F..k HAVE I BECOME?

Think... think back!

You had a turning point. In some stupid self-pity moment trying to feel better about yourself, you made some ridiculous choice. A decision that put you on this path. What do you think you are going to live forever? Any do-over moments you had you are made the same stupid choice! Have you not learned a thing?

SOME PEOPLE WILL TRADE OFF THE BEST THING THEY EVER HAD IN ORDER TO ONLY GET SOMETHING WORSE AND EMBARRASSING. Trash is trash... you can not disguise it. Obnoxious behavior transcends ... You can not turn a pig's ear into a silk purse ... behavior changes only when patterns and actions are recognized and they become so apparent that there is no other way but to look in that mirror and ask yourself... WHAT THE HELL DID I BECOME BECAUSE LOOK WHAT I CAUSED?


The American dream. ANY DREAM! Where is it? In my Wed night classes that I teach, we have forgotten our core. Most people have become so caught up in the secular world that they have forgotten who they are and what path they should have taken. They have been told by a society to be this that and the other... when that is not who they are! I ask, How close are you to who you wanted to be when you were 5, 8, 12, 16, 19... Those are those prime ages in a youth's life, where they have dreams and ambitions. It is later when that young adult gets into that secular realm and the core is sabotaged by greed, selfishness and the ugly from who knows what.

You have a purpose! You are supposed to live a life true to your soul's core. Those things that make your heart beat with passion and you are connected to something that makes you feel alive! IT IS NOT THAT DIFFICULT OF A PROCESS TO UNDERSTAND!

 A cheat is going to always be a cheat because more than anything... he has learned how to cheat himself out of real happiness! It exists and I see it all the time. They stand on borrowed time... creating havoc in everyone's life repeating the same behavior. It is a void in self... because they have gotten away from THEIR CORE and they do not know how to be happy with what they have or who they are!


How do you find that core? I'm gonna tell you... so listen and listen well!!!!!!  When we were kids, my sister Beth and I use to play this game. My sister gave herself the name Susan Langauge. I was "Friend." Now Susan Language could do ANYTHING. She was a dancer, a singer, a performer. etc... etc... Now friend was her announcer. Her MC. Friend was always there to lend a helping hand. Friend was there to come to the rescue... Friend was the go-to person because FRIEND WAS HONEST, LOYAL KNOWLEDGABLE AND DEPENDABLE. We believed in those characters because it seemed so real. It seemed real because that was who we were... We were living and playing out our core.

When you have and keep the imagination of a child, you think of all the games you played and the characters you became (in youth)... that was your core. You were living out a dream, bravery, ingenuity, strategies... you were creating from something within you to be what you believed you were!!! You have to think of those moments... you have to put yourself back in any of those scenarios before the world told you to be something you are not!

I could go on and on and on this subject. While you walk this earth and live in this moment and occupy this space you walk... you are supposed to be true to yourself! The misery you cause or the misery you live with is because that is NOT where you are supposed to be. And you allow yourself to stay stuck in an environment not conducive to WHO YOU ARE or what your soul's purpose is.

 Having to feel so much around people who do not get it is exhausting! People who can not see what they have done, or what they caused or the disruption of people's lives they have obliterated... has sucked the life out of me. Cause and effect of being an empath!

I live in this realm where I know what I know to be true! I am so familiar and connected to "cause and effect." I am committed to the cause... and teaching this awareness. Hoping to enlighten those that are just meandering lost. The pieces missing... and the empty voids ... now knowing how to fill them self with what is right and true to self!

The vision lives within each of us. Many have forgotten the path... and they keep making stupid after stupid regrettable choices because they have FORGOTTEN THEIR CORE.

I know a lot! I know what people have done... I see behavior and I recognize patterns. Misery loves company... I am only here to speak truths. I am only here to teach and remind people... BECOME BETTER VERSIONS OF WHAT YOU HAVE BECOME. You have a soul and you have heart. Find your passion and live your truth. The world is already full of liars... and cheats... and people lost and full of self-medicating addictions.

Step outside of what you are doing and become aware. I am doing what I can within my all... living my core.


Because if I am not happy with myself... I can not expect ANYONE else to be happy with me! and at this moment a bit exhausted but pretty damn happy!

Meet Me In St. Louis
Kitryn Marie

If you are interested in this Wed evening class (St. Louis Mo Area) 
email kitrynmarie@gmail.com to reserve your spot. 
The class is $15.00 per person.

Susan Langauge and Friend

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