The Drive For Success... Hop On!
It's been a crazy ride. Maybe no different than anyone else trying to drive the success bus! You don't know what pot holes you are gonna hit. You don't know the detours you are gonna have to take. You just don't know what you are going to encounter. It's trial and error. It's stop and start and stop and start again ... think and rethink and rethink and go again. Plans in motion, drive in gear... foot on the pedal and forward motion you go!
You can say "Rome wasn't built in a day!" You can say "life by grand design!" You can say "fate can turn on a dime!" It's a crap shoot! It's a gamble! Its chance defended by odds! That is what striving for your own business or success means. It is your heart and soul of ideas praying they come to fruition... knowing in a belief system it is going to work!
I do believe build it and they will come! Although while you are building you must clearly specify what you are doing and the principle of the operations with clear intent and plenty of visuals to set up and get ready for that customer base! There will be competition but we live in a world where there is plenty to go around! Carving a Niche ( ) is what idea strategies need. Find your talent. Find your strength! Find what measure and what long roads you will take to get that vision in place. How far will you travel?
I didn't start out a photographer. I didn't start out as a writer! I was though an artist, ... I had a vision and I had a talent and I had a concept based on an idea! I built upon the idea through a dream. Some far-fetched idea (at the time) I could do this and actually make money at it! People only understand at the level of their perception! My perception just higher than the average. When a person really understands their own worth and what they are capable of accomplishing and you don't give a hoot what anyone thinks... you become dangerously successful! People will talk and people will discard your beliefs and people will become naysayers on your success... those are not your people! Your people will become the frequent on- lookers! Your people will become your best marketing asset! Your people will come back from time to time to partake in your endeavors... Your people will pave the way for a new way to travel! Those are your people! Those people will cheer you on and help you and those people will have loyalty to you and will keep coming back!!! THOSE ARE YOUR PEOPLE!
The vision is something you see in your mind. You are not going to know how it works. You are not going to know how it all fits... It is not your place too! All you need to do is have the vision! What draws your interest? What calls to you? Where is your passion? What delights you and what is it you can do... that you can say you love doing?
Maybe as an artist, the visualist in me sees beyond a perspective in which the ordinary person can see. Two people can look at the same tree and see a varied view... my life... my idea of success is based on a unique perspective. Images that fit like puzzle pieces... not knowing exactly how they are going to fit but knowing they DO fit! A designer will put together a story board to see how pieces fit into schematic dimensions. I put together a vision board based on categories. In each category is visual stimulants (magazine cut outs and or print words) I use in a what's important first type order. Example: Home/Family, Love, Food/Travel and Business. From those categories... I place the images in my mind and start to conceptually see it all come to fruition by placing on a board. It's my own type magic because I believe in my ideaS! I believe in the concept of how it is going to manifest. I believe the success that follows because in my mind I am already there!
(Think of when you were a child, that imagination. What did you play that you actually thought you were really doing it? With your idea, you must be able to imagine and believe you are doing it! You must believe in yourself!!!)
Recently, I have started doing more portrait photos instead of location type architect. I want to branch out into portraiture/fantasy photography. I am planning on turning a room in my home into a photography studio...with props and all! I see it! I believe in the idea... I am crafty enough to "build it" so they will come!
My success is based on a driving force that is willing to take the bends and curves, the hits and the misses! Knowing you can't always be at the top but that is no reason not to strive for the top of that success heap!
Love what you do and the money follows! Love what you do and you will never have to work a day in your life! That is the American Dream. The drive for success is what really the dream is all about! SEEING IT COME TO FRUITION IS THE PERK!
Hop aboard... get on The Kit band-wagon! Red, white and blue! Headed for success! Because I see it all! but most of all, I believe it all! Happening before all our eyes!
Booking clients... inquire (St. Louis Mo and surrounding areas)
Meet Me In St. Louis,
Kitryn Marie
Then once I have that billion... I will become a philanthropist! Paying it forward... How it works! How the laws apply! ;)

You can say "Rome wasn't built in a day!" You can say "life by grand design!" You can say "fate can turn on a dime!" It's a crap shoot! It's a gamble! Its chance defended by odds! That is what striving for your own business or success means. It is your heart and soul of ideas praying they come to fruition... knowing in a belief system it is going to work!
I do believe build it and they will come! Although while you are building you must clearly specify what you are doing and the principle of the operations with clear intent and plenty of visuals to set up and get ready for that customer base! There will be competition but we live in a world where there is plenty to go around! Carving a Niche ( ) is what idea strategies need. Find your talent. Find your strength! Find what measure and what long roads you will take to get that vision in place. How far will you travel?
I didn't start out a photographer. I didn't start out as a writer! I was though an artist, ... I had a vision and I had a talent and I had a concept based on an idea! I built upon the idea through a dream. Some far-fetched idea (at the time) I could do this and actually make money at it! People only understand at the level of their perception! My perception just higher than the average. When a person really understands their own worth and what they are capable of accomplishing and you don't give a hoot what anyone thinks... you become dangerously successful! People will talk and people will discard your beliefs and people will become naysayers on your success... those are not your people! Your people will become the frequent on- lookers! Your people will become your best marketing asset! Your people will come back from time to time to partake in your endeavors... Your people will pave the way for a new way to travel! Those are your people! Those people will cheer you on and help you and those people will have loyalty to you and will keep coming back!!! THOSE ARE YOUR PEOPLE!
The vision is something you see in your mind. You are not going to know how it works. You are not going to know how it all fits... It is not your place too! All you need to do is have the vision! What draws your interest? What calls to you? Where is your passion? What delights you and what is it you can do... that you can say you love doing?
Maybe as an artist, the visualist in me sees beyond a perspective in which the ordinary person can see. Two people can look at the same tree and see a varied view... my life... my idea of success is based on a unique perspective. Images that fit like puzzle pieces... not knowing exactly how they are going to fit but knowing they DO fit! A designer will put together a story board to see how pieces fit into schematic dimensions. I put together a vision board based on categories. In each category is visual stimulants (magazine cut outs and or print words) I use in a what's important first type order. Example: Home/Family, Love, Food/Travel and Business. From those categories... I place the images in my mind and start to conceptually see it all come to fruition by placing on a board. It's my own type magic because I believe in my ideaS! I believe in the concept of how it is going to manifest. I believe the success that follows because in my mind I am already there!
(Think of when you were a child, that imagination. What did you play that you actually thought you were really doing it? With your idea, you must be able to imagine and believe you are doing it! You must believe in yourself!!!)
Recently, I have started doing more portrait photos instead of location type architect. I want to branch out into portraiture/fantasy photography. I am planning on turning a room in my home into a photography studio...with props and all! I see it! I believe in the idea... I am crafty enough to "build it" so they will come!
My success is based on a driving force that is willing to take the bends and curves, the hits and the misses! Knowing you can't always be at the top but that is no reason not to strive for the top of that success heap!
Love what you do and the money follows! Love what you do and you will never have to work a day in your life! That is the American Dream. The drive for success is what really the dream is all about! SEEING IT COME TO FRUITION IS THE PERK!
Hop aboard... get on The Kit band-wagon! Red, white and blue! Headed for success! Because I see it all! but most of all, I believe it all! Happening before all our eyes!
Booking clients... inquire (St. Louis Mo and surrounding areas)
Meet Me In St. Louis,
Kitryn Marie
Then once I have that billion... I will become a philanthropist! Paying it forward... How it works! How the laws apply! ;)
KM Designs and Photography

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