Meat And Potatoes
My days have all run together... Whats the day? Whats the date? I am starved... famished! What day is it? Oh that's right its Sunday, February 19... roughly 8:45 A.M. Guess its kind of early for meat and potatoes isn't it? Meat and potatoes the substance that nourishes the soul, soothes the average man and puts fuel in a persons body. Its what warms the inners. Right?
Funny how a person will deprive them self for what is needed to feed the mind, the body and the spirit. The meat and potatoes, the meaning probably has more to do with what actually makes a person feel fulfilled then the overall product of such. You know that satisfying feeling of contentment. I find it ironic how a person will deplete oneself and starve them self for what is needed... in life, in a job, in their relationship with self and or with another not feeding them self what they truly need to survive...happily and healthy! Ever After!!!
Crumbs... a trail, a morsel, a nibble of something that never fills anything! Crumbs of emotion that people throw around or gather thinking that a little bit is going to keep them satisfied, sustained. Crumbs only leave you hungry for more. When will people understand that? That little bit you get a taste for never satisfies anything... and always leaves you wanting more! That growl you hear... isn't coming from your stomach! Both man and woman need hearty in their life! Ok, so now I'm not talking stew!
Starved and Empty is how most people live their life. Filling it with addictions surrendering it to their personal vice. Living in a blank space cutting them self off from the real sources for what makes a person come alive. They hide behind jobs and obligations pretending that if they can do without they will be just fine. Man! its a long life when you are hungry for___________. (fill in your own blank) Deprivation does not do anyone good! On any level.
Setting up a table for... a meal... setting up for... conversations, laughter, eye to eye contact. Commitment, a few many kisses that lead to... plans for a trip, adventures, intimacy, a life together. Ya know the meat and potatoes. Substance... and fuel that keeps life together going.
Romance is good. Its great in all its glory. Its all pretty and fancy waiting to be devoured and cherished. Chocolates and flowers... The sentiment beautiful. The execution of delivery charming! Heartfelt... it all taste extremely good but once that high is gone... the moments over and when the person is not around it leaves an individual extremely empty. Hungry for something more.
I wish I could relate all this to a pizza... now that's something I can sink my teeth into! ( I never met a pizza I didn't like!) Sadly though, there is no sinking teeth into crumbs... associated with anything!
Potato... Patato! Tomato...tamato. 6 of 1, half dozen the other... Meat and potatoes... the stew, the thick and the rich and hearty. Fulfilling and binding. Nurturing and contentment... satisfying the soul. That's what I am hungry for... Meat and potatoes!
What day is it? Oh that's right its Sunday! I am starved... famished! Do you know what I like about Sunday? ... Why Sunday dinners of course! Promptly at 6:00 and if its all served up properly you know whats to follow?... Pancakes and sex the in the morning!
(And then you are supposed to brag to everyone about how you are the luckiest individual in the world to be fed so well!)
Meet Me In St. Louis,
Kitryn Marie
Funny how a person will deprive them self for what is needed to feed the mind, the body and the spirit. The meat and potatoes, the meaning probably has more to do with what actually makes a person feel fulfilled then the overall product of such. You know that satisfying feeling of contentment. I find it ironic how a person will deplete oneself and starve them self for what is needed... in life, in a job, in their relationship with self and or with another not feeding them self what they truly need to survive...happily and healthy! Ever After!!!
Crumbs... a trail, a morsel, a nibble of something that never fills anything! Crumbs of emotion that people throw around or gather thinking that a little bit is going to keep them satisfied, sustained. Crumbs only leave you hungry for more. When will people understand that? That little bit you get a taste for never satisfies anything... and always leaves you wanting more! That growl you hear... isn't coming from your stomach! Both man and woman need hearty in their life! Ok, so now I'm not talking stew!
Starved and Empty is how most people live their life. Filling it with addictions surrendering it to their personal vice. Living in a blank space cutting them self off from the real sources for what makes a person come alive. They hide behind jobs and obligations pretending that if they can do without they will be just fine. Man! its a long life when you are hungry for___________. (fill in your own blank) Deprivation does not do anyone good! On any level.
Setting up a table for... a meal... setting up for... conversations, laughter, eye to eye contact. Commitment, a few many kisses that lead to... plans for a trip, adventures, intimacy, a life together. Ya know the meat and potatoes. Substance... and fuel that keeps life together going.
Romance is good. Its great in all its glory. Its all pretty and fancy waiting to be devoured and cherished. Chocolates and flowers... The sentiment beautiful. The execution of delivery charming! Heartfelt... it all taste extremely good but once that high is gone... the moments over and when the person is not around it leaves an individual extremely empty. Hungry for something more.
I wish I could relate all this to a pizza... now that's something I can sink my teeth into! ( I never met a pizza I didn't like!) Sadly though, there is no sinking teeth into crumbs... associated with anything!
Potato... Patato! Tomato...tamato. 6 of 1, half dozen the other... Meat and potatoes... the stew, the thick and the rich and hearty. Fulfilling and binding. Nurturing and contentment... satisfying the soul. That's what I am hungry for... Meat and potatoes!
What day is it? Oh that's right its Sunday! I am starved... famished! Do you know what I like about Sunday? ... Why Sunday dinners of course! Promptly at 6:00 and if its all served up properly you know whats to follow?... Pancakes and sex the in the morning!
(And then you are supposed to brag to everyone about how you are the luckiest individual in the world to be fed so well!)
Meet Me In St. Louis,
Kitryn Marie