My Worth...

My worth is not measured by the man that stands beside me... My worth is measured by the great strides I have accomplished in this life and the man that stands beside me that has taken pride in who I am as a woman. While he looks at me like he is the luckiest man on this earth! And vice a verse! ********** Go ahead call me shallow... I take pride in my looks, health, behavior/attitude/personality. At this ripe age of almost 55, I like arm candy ! I would hope my choice in a man/companion/partner/lover etc... would do the same. You can not kid me and tell me looks are not important? We all are visual creatures and you can not convince me of any different! There has to be attraction... ( Do you really want just anybody being seen with you, kissing you, touching you... making love to you?) It's the vibrational bubble that matches yourself ... Alike attracts alike! It's the twin flame that looks for its match. The other half of the yin or yang. ...