Family Tradition

You could say I am seeking tradition. I have a flood of memories that have surfaced and you guessed it, if I can’t write about it what good is having the memory! I don’t know if it is because the holidays are around the corner or the fact that I would have been married 30 years. My female nostalgia says it is the combination of both. I was married on Thanksgiving Day, which by the way was a family tradition. Grandma and grandpa and my mom and dad were married on Thanksgiving Day so the dutiful daughter/granddaughter I was... followed suit! None the less holiday or would be anniversary, it is not making this season any easier. Maybe not every tradition is supposed to be handed down. New traditions can be created and possibly some traditions should be altered and the ones that are so chaotic or archaic should be a given... and should be forgotten! but regardless it should not change the meaning of holiday tradition: A time for family to gather, a time t...