
3/30/24 Saturday morning; the list of spring things that need to be attended to! My tulips have sprung! The iris and daylilies are in full green. My hostas and the variety of weeds that have accompanied the new growth... the list of things that must be attended to! I look at my kitchen ceiling that has been peeling for 2 years, the floor my boxer (RIP Bruce) decided to gnaw on, and the cabinets screaming at me "Woman you are a painter. Paint us Olive Sprig" Which is a moss green known to others... I can throw in a chandelier I am not fond of that needs to come down and a ceiling fan that must be put up in my office for the impending heat that will filtrate this shoe box I live in. Sprung is the ideas that I have while I effortlessly comb through Pinterest. Now mind you, I am in between gigs. This is temporary! I laugh... no I seriously laugh because once I land somewhere the grass will not grow under my feet and will desperately need to be mowed in that backyard that houses ...