The Art Of War

Over the last year, I have been audiobook-listening to some very interesting reads. Since I can not focus at all on reading (a sign of a fight or flight response) I have found listening is soothing while staring off at some focal point or keeping my eyes closed in a lounge lizard position. A person does what one does to regulate the nervous system. By far the book COMMITTED by Elizabeth Gilbert ranks as my best informed how to...on not to get married! (the ending was not the hype I was looking for) #hoopla I should have just stayed engaged in The 5 Languages of Love. That I could wrap my head around. (My love language is BUILD ME. altho that is not listed in the book!) Last week as I danced in and out of the kitchen at work, my 4 day-week gig that keeps life real and my 1200lb dinosaur fed; Joe, a young blossoming chef was listening to The Art Of War. Joe is studious by nature and curious about all things life! We have great conversations! Did I mention he is young...worldly an ol...