Its Not About Being Right

Sarcasm has become my new tone. It is not about being right but about pointing out some chilling facts with a hint of snark removing all fluff for the sake of protecting sanctity. We are weeks into a fear tactic lockdown and in my professional opinion no different than that relationship some have been coerced into believing. "It is for your own good, I am protecting you... you are just better off this way." Blindsiding and removing your ability to be a critical thinker for yourself! Hows the handler job going? Ya know that position that promised you a better life ... "if you could just come here, listen to my view, fall my lies and please try and keep up with my antics! No, you stay put while I go and try to find some way to escape what I created because this is not what I signed on for!" Big talk'n narcissism to bide time while aggravation, anxiety and gaslighting are building up so they can come up with a plan to bail... and once again become the hero! {Thei...