Who Do You Believe?

Well here it is, the 'THING" we all knew would be coming! A Time Out! Parts of me are rejoicing for this INTROVERTS staycation. {I have enough home and art projects, books, CD's, food to cook, etc... to last a month or more} Getting out of my head though another entity in itself! I have been saying for months, the general public at large is out of control and it needs to be shut down so EVERYONE can check themselves and see what really needs to be prioritized for their family and life! This pandemic is not a virus in the sense the media is making it out to be... but a global issue that needs to get humanity back aligning with generosity and compassion for life and environmental conditions. The sky is not falling Henny Penny! but your gluttony and selfishness and me me me attitude has finally taken center stage and the higher powers to be have said 'NO MORE" So before the haters even throw their shade into my commentary, let me state, " Yes I do believe t...