I Speak'th The Business

I flip flop back and forth between my art, my writing, youtube creating (speaking) and business coaching. I have built my business around the multi-faceted entities that keep my business up and running and keep my audience interested in WHAT I AM DOING NEXT! Today's social media audience needs to be entertained as much as informed! "Niching down", that is the buzz phrase now. Although it would make sense to a new entrepreneur who is just starting out to do just one thing that they are really good at til they are known for that one thing! But... I disagree! 100% As an entrepreneur especially a creative-minded person, you are good at many things. Your gift or talent is more than just one thing. This widely differs from someone who studied one trade and they are ONLY focused on that one trade for the rest of their routine life to make a constricted living. That person works under a cap. They can only go so high on the pay scale because some BIG INDUSTRY has set the inc...