2019, A Production Waiting To Happen

In the last several weeks, I have been defining the end of the year 2018 results. The good, the bad, the indecisive and the guidelines I have set for "staying in your own lane!" With those boundaries in place, I am reminding myself the goal in mind what I need to achieve for me! I clearly see my end result of where 2019 is going to take me. What is important here is to remind, I have set those boundaries for very good reasons! Everyone needs to take their own stance, stay in their own lane, define the terms that work for self... and keep self-occupied, again for good reasons! I am not responsible for someone's downtime nor am I responsible for keeping anyone entertained when I am not around. I will never go back to being responsible for how someone else feels. I am accountable for me and my responsibilities towards and for my part in all relationships but I will continue to do with what works best within the confines of the boundary I have set. What I am trying to achi...