Perspective And The View It Holds

It's been awhile now, hasn't it? I've been so busy traipsing across the states that my writing had to be put on hold... while my characters have been put in suspension, storylines have been put on hold and my thoughts... well let's just say I had to stop thinking for a bit! I needed to turn it all off, get and look at life from a different angle and enjoy some scenery of a far refreshing kind! Writing I have always done. Maybe not quite in the fashion that I do now but I have written on and off for years... When I took up photography it mostly was by accident. My intention was never really to make a living at it. It was a journey that turned into a cathartic process. I needed to stop thinking. I needed to stop feeling... I needed to find a way to come out of an agoraphobic state and leave my house. I needed to focus on something that I didn't already know and look at something from another angle. It wasn't necessarily how the camera was going to operate as to...