"Oh Well... It Is What It Is"

** Let's see where they are at... and what is going through their minds.** (From My Book... "When He Had Her") So it had seemed they had been here before. He laid in bed still sleeping while she sipped her coffee. The night before was easy it was like trying on that glove one more time. Nothing fit so good. His hands knew exactly where to go on her slim curves and her legs knew exactly how to fold around him . It was not rocket science... Like numerous times before, hitting the road and expanding outside their territory was what they did best. She had him all to herself. There were no distractions from his derelict friends and no interruptions from pets, kids and or anyone else that demanded his attention. It was why she loved these little jaunts. She had him to herself... all she ever wanted. His attention... Gazing out the patio door staring at the lake, the early morning steam lifted off the cool waters. Tablerock was a beautiful place. It was their place...