Funny About Choices

I try to understand what the heart wants and why it chooses the way it does... and what the mind talks it into. I recently posted on my Facebook Writing Page a little meme about choices. What we pick, why we pick. It is of some importance to our heart and I can imagine what really makes it soar. I can guess the flip side to that would be the easiest choice and therefore settling for the consultation... second choice... A matter of Convenience; thinking well this is all there is.... or should I just walk away! That reflection may very well be the premise for both the books I am trying to write. I have two strong female types that have a lot of responsibilities. Both are very capable of taking care of themselves but are both determined to hang on to what their heart desires. The two hierarchy types both believe that if you love enough and stand steadfast in commitment all things work out. Although the types of men both these characters love have been significantly damaged...