The Other Side...Of What?

I think where I last left you, last blog post, I was stepping back. I was changing things, redirecting, grabbing my camera and heading... SOMEWHERE! As an entrepreneur, you get to change it as many times as you desire! You wear many hats, many glasses, switch up products and you get to offer as many services as you are talented to do! Since our last visit, I rejoined AVON and re-signed with the Gourmet Cupboard. I also am waiting on status to be a brand ambassador for l'ange hair products and tools! I have ordered new business cards for my photography, I had another art show and I had a fabulous painting class that I taught for 11 women! I had 4 brand new tires put on my car and again had some exhaust issues fixed on the vehicle that at this time, I am keeping instead of trying to maintain a new car payment. That may have more to do with new car payment vs horse board! I said I was stepping back but it looks like I just went in another direction... AGAIN! The podcast set up I had ...