The Art Of The Deal

I am always amazed at how algorithms work. I am more than amazed at how my stats have grown on social media sites while I have been on a hiatus. I purposely have taken steps back to just take some time off. I have found the nitty-gritty of dirty politics more interesting and have taken more of an interest on dishing the dirt and doing some detective work in social behaviors of my local corrupt county executive. As I watch more and more cares act money being laundered thru slush funds, I have to ask why? If the money is there to "help" why is it not going to where it is needed? Or better yet, why doesn't someone just call out this COVID BS, call it a great big hoax and a lie to extort federal funds, open all business' and let's get back to creating incomes on our own...where no handouts are needed! Americans Work and Politicians lie (for their own pockets and personal agendas) I listened a little to well to Mr Slay Sr. while I acceptingly worked as his office ma...