Free To Pursuit

It has been bit more difficult to sit at the computer to do any work. It has been completely a bust doing video or going live. Burn out and lack of motivation with no direction has become the norm not only for me but for a general population who has been trying to make a living doing things on their own and forgoing any corporate mandates. It has always been my dream to do things my way and survive as I know based on subjects I am so passionate about; writing, art, teaching, speaking and lets not forget my horse-prenuership. It has been very apparent that it has come down to categories and by the powers to be you better fit into a box finding which category you fit into. I hope there is a niche for who and what you do. I hope for you these last several months of idiosy has not effected your physce'. I am facisnated by history. I always have been. The knowing of what once was and things that used to be and the social practices of how a town got started and where their people came ...