The Drive For Success... Hop On!

It's been a crazy ride. Maybe no different than anyone else trying to drive the success bus! You don't know what pot holes you are gonna hit. You don't know the detours you are gonna have to take. You just don't know what you are going to encounter. It's trial and error. It's stop and start and stop and start again ... think and rethink and rethink and go again. Plans in motion, drive in gear... foot on the pedal and forward motion you go! You can say "Rome wasn't built in a day!" You can say "life by grand design!" You can say "fate can turn on a dime!" It's a crap shoot! It's a gamble! Its chance defended by odds! That is what striving for your own business or success means. It is your heart and soul of ideas praying they come to fruition... knowing in a belief system it is going to work! I do believe build it and they will come! Although while you are building you must clearly specify what you are doing and the pr...