A Long Time Coming

Really who knew? This was not what I had expected... I have always been driven by love but when love failed me big time, really what choice did I have? It could have killed me but it didn't! My heart ripped to shreds by lies and deception... what woman wouldn't it have killed? Emotionally numb...and shattered. It has been a long haul to this new place! I have been lead blindly by intuition and faith... Onward and forward that was the only choice! It has been a long time coming! Retrospect: "Kit what do you want to be when you grow up?" My answer, "A Star!" What is a star? Something that shines! Something that glitters! Something that burns so bright NOTHING can dim its glow! Something that people are in awe of... something that rises high beyond what any force of nature can keep down! How do you tell a person that has been so anxiety ridden and afraid for so long that there is another life, another way, another calm, and you no longer have to wait f...