As The World Turns

Does it matter if a person takes a year off? To take time to reflect, redirect...maybe do nothing but exist? Does it hurt anyone? Sit back and take a long look at the path one set out on thinking it was the right choice, the right decision, and the right methodical way to create life? Is a person at a disadvantage letting things lie, thoughts scatter, and allow the brain to shut down or at least to retreat for 365 days? 2020 the year of the clearer vision! 2020 the year we all became day drinkers, homeschoolers and couch potatoes... adding the quarantine 15lbs and the circles under our eyes from lack of sleep, direction and motivation. 2020 the year small business closed, a hoax of a pandemic sat it and everyone caught up in someone else's political fight! 2020 the year, I was supposed to be taking my business to a new level; adding innovating connections, adding $$$$ to my bank account, teaching new lessons and opening back up my heart chakra! 2020 the year I was to sell my house...