All Stories Can Be Rewritten... Happily Ever After Depends On Who Holds The Pen

I am a little obsessed with Cinderella right now... You know that beautiful girl that insatiably cleans and picks up after everyone. That girl that is on her hands and knees and scrubs everything... to ensure no criticism. You know the girl that longs for something more than what she knows and has... you know that girl that talks to every bird and rat because she wants friends and to be loved unconditionally! Yes, I am totally obsessed with this girl. Fairytales... who are these fairies and why did they have a need to tell a tale? and why wasn't it told about the Prince? Ya know that spoiled bastard... that got what he wanted from who knows who because after all he was the Prince. Like it wasn't enough his castle was bought and paid for by his folks! Really now let's tell his side of the story. On this May day, this boy was born. Oh, his parents had sailed around for years deciding it was time to settle down and build a castle for this kid to live in. They would g...