For the Love Of God and Country and Whats Right and Just... ONWARD

I am almost convinced the world has gone upside down mad! I think it is a very safe bet to say this last 8 years c-r-a-z-y! And that is being kind... extremely kind! I am convinced with pure intention this tobaggle of life as we have seen has purposely put into place to create the great divide. A disharmony... Do you realize how many relationships have been destroyed? How many families have been misplaced? How many companies have folded? How many children have been misinformed, misdiagnosed and been fed who knows what by who? I-n-s-a-n-e!!!! And I'll get to the entitlement crisis in a bit! I don't like talking politics!!! I am not qualified other than an opinion on how this imposed nonsense descended into my world... Lets start at the beginning, shall we! I had a very good job. Honestly the first real take charge and do what I had been trained to do... I was an event coordinator for a prestigious banquet facility. Yes, food and beverage at its elitist! I had worked my way u...